As time goes on, you can further upgrade the platforms with metal, to make them sturdier, and you will have to upgrade weaponry for more powerful zombies (e.g. In this way, you can easily survive invasions. Meanwhile, you can pepper them with arrows from above, aim for headshots. But the stakes will slow their attack rate. They will crawl toward the platforms and try to take them down. The zombies will hit the stakes and lose their legs. When the invasion starts, climb on top of one of the platforms with a 100-200 stone arrows and a bow. Put a ramp next to one of the platforms so you can jump from the top of the ramp onto the platform. Then put down 4 rows of wooden log stakes around each platform. At first, just upgrade the blocks to 2nd wood level. So each platform is 3x3 blocks, and maybe 5 blocks high. But for invasions, the easiest way is to build a couple of wooden platforms near each other, connected by a wooden block bridge. My current game, I started basically with a hole in the ground for the first night, and then eventually grew it into my decent base. You can slowly make it bigger and build it up. The easiest way to start is to dig out an underground cave before the first night.

I am a relative noob, and I am sure there are people who are way better at this than me, but I never really have problems with the early game. Its stupid-We usually build an awesome base but then build a small "7th day base" that we dont even bother repairing and just use for horde nights when we want to fight them- But again, pure nomad playstyle is the insta-win button sadly. Keep some booze on you and you can literally run away from everything (including the 7th day horde) and just build chests outside the towns as you loot, scrap and sell everything and try not to level until you are fairly well geared, then start building your base.Įdit- This is one of my main complaints- In a base building game you actually put yourself in a worse spot by bothering with a base- I enjoy that part the most and like getting creative but someone who avoids having a base entirely will be better off.

The best way to play now (sadly) is to nomad it for a bit- This is actually the easiest the game has been imho but having a base is damn near useless now. You want to avoid leveling too fast and get the scavenging out of the way first- What you face will be level dependent now so if you start building and leveling right away you will put yourself in a harder place than to go right to scavenging.Utilize the trader. Nah, with the new gamestate its actually incredibly easy. If you enjoy survival-type games at all, a very STRONG recommendation. You get a lot of weapons to play with, lots of different types of zombies, some of them truly scary as you ramp up in level. The combat is not perfect, there are some hitbox issues, but all-in-all, its fairly enjoyable. Breaking open safes or sneaking into a dangerous area or hitting up the trader gives a casino-like thrill, as you anticipate what you might obtain. You get to explore many abandoned cities per every random map, and each one contains all these different buildings and points of interests. The way scavenging is worked into the game is also brilliant and contributes a lot to the game. In Minecraft, you can build almost everyting within the first hour or two of gameplay, once you know what you are doing, whereas in 7 days, it will take you a long time, and you have to partake in things like exploration, scavenging, travel, trading, and combat in order to get it done. You can build and craft whatever you want, like in Minecraft, but the building and crafting trees are way more complex, and the challenge is fine-tuned so much better.

Still, it has a ton of content, and nails all the things other games fail at. It's not perfect, the end game could use more stuff, but still being in development, the devs will get a chance to add it. But 7 Days has the most fleshed out and enjoyable gameplay of all of them, at least in my opinion. Games like Terraria, Starbound, DayZ, Rust, etc. Ever since Minecraft, everyone has been trying to hit that sweet spot of survival gameplay. Jokes aside though, this game is absolutely awesome, still in Early Access and under development, but for my money, the culmination of all the survival-type games that we've been inundated with lately. I've been playing this game a LOT recently, and talking about it on Shoutbox, where it became a meme for a while, as we all bugged Crispy to set up a server.